Many of our projects address the interaction between forest and water. Our equipment operators have specific training which allows them to operate heavy equipment in riparian areas. We complete a wide range of stream, river and wetland restoration projects. Whether it is road decommissioning or step pool construction, we have the expertise and experience to complete your project.

Step pool construction, Trout Creek Montana
Stream Channel Restoration

Mr Denham has been operating heavy equipment for over 15 years. In 2011 he completed two courses in Wildland Hydrology. These trainings teach equipment operators the characteristics of water traveling over different surfaces and help to recognize key features in a stream.
The courses are now required by State and Federal entities for operators working near any water source. WFM has completed multiple stream restoration projects with associated revegetation on waters throughout Western Montana.

We have worked with County, State and Private entities to complete various road projects. Our projects have consisted of improving road drainage, removing and replacing culverts, installing sediment catch basins, and full road decommissioning.
Decommissioning includes re-contouring the entire road to it’s natural slope, revegetation of the bare ground, and erosion control measures.

Rangeland enhancement and Douglas Fir reduction, Rocker Montana
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Brush trench installation, Warm Springs, MT